The profits policies:
Main article: The for-profit policies
Some policies allow the policyholder to participate in the profits of insurance companies to participate in the profits policy. Other politicians have no right to participate in the profits of the company, a non-profit policy.
The policy of profit as a kind of collective investment to achieve capital growth. Other policies do not offer guaranteed returns on investment performance in the primary, often referred to as without-profit policies, which can be interpreted as a misunderstanding.
Investment Bonds
Main article: Bond Insurance
Pensions: Pensions are a form of life insurance. Although the basic life insurance, permanent health insurance and retirement pension includes the amount of business, the risk of mortality and morbidity in the insurance, pensions, longevity risk.
The pension is based on the entire life. When someone retires, the pension payment will be and will buy some time in the retirement annuity contract, which guarantees a certain payment every month until death.